Khamis, Ogos 20, 2009

yellow in my sunflower

have u ever heard dis song before..kat radio kew,,tak kan? i found diz gul profile d mspce. .name Pia Zahari,URL;
she's 17 n she wrote songs yg sgt hebat!..
hee,,dunnoe why dlm byk2 lagu yg die tulis,,i love dis one d most,,like wut she said in her blog:
"Although most of my songs are about love, I think this one's the only one about being in love. And yes, I love sunflowers and yes, my favorite color is yellow :)"

if u'awl dgr dis song,,u'awl mesti akan sukew gilew sbyk manew akusbb lagu nee buat aku teringat kt my bf..heheeee,, always in d air for both of us,,tapi aku tataw napew.adew sekali tuh waktu aku nk cmmnt pix d profile my bestie name rose`,,she's my baby gul,,yeahh i love her so much,,dunnoe y ..suddenly,i felt like wanna cry...dat tym aku on9 youtube,,dgr diz Pia Zahari sing YELLOW IN MY SUNFLOWERS laa kan,,den.. aku terus copy n paste lagu tuh utk die..hee..sound like gilak aite? sbb rose nee tadew kat sini,,die study d UITM Arau,,sgtt jawuh bukan?? jawuhh~~~

hewmm,,before dis,,kitowg selalu lepak sesame..with 2 our gal lagi,name ujie n sha..we love each other sgt3..yew kew.yew kew.yew kew.?? yew laa~
but,, it has been a couple of week,aku tak bertegur dgn sha,,nak tawu napew..i'll story u later lah.heee,,1st let me post diz,,den aku akan post lain,,heee~
tentang syuha!

Yellow In My Sunflowers

You're the sweetest thing I've known
Better than everything I own
Changed my mind completely

The best love song I've ever heard
Made up of every word
You sang to me

And though no one can ever see
What’s between you and me
It don't matter much
It never meant a thing to me
'Cause you're the yellow in my sunflowers
You're the yellow in my sun

You make each second worth the while
My laugh lines deepen 'cause you're my smile
Behind all my laughter

All the late phone talks at night
All the wrong suddenly feels right
I keep falling deeper

And though no one can ever see
What's between you and me
It don't matter much
It never meant a thing to me
'Cause you're the yellow in my sunflowers
You're the yellow in my sunflowers

In my sunflowers
My sunflowers
In my sunflowers
In my sunflowers

You're the sweetest thing I've known,
Better than everything I own,
Changed my mind completely

syuha ngek

Rabu, Ogos 19, 2009

i am newbie,,

first time adew blog sendiri,,yelah,,zaman daa maju kan,,kalaw dulu2 nk share cerita sggup tulis2 surat ataw kalaw yg pemalu tuh,,siap tulis dalam diari ag,,bayangkan setiap hari kalaw adew ajew mende nak tulis,,kalaw bulan2,,tahun2..mesti byk kan,,manew simpan diari tuh pown daa tataw! but nowadays..kita adew blog..yg aku buat pertama kalinya setelah 17tahun 11bulan hidup,,dan pengguna internet sejak 5tahun yg lalu..hahahaaa,,
sound like baru ag kan...yeahh sebab aku pown muda lagi,,hahahaaaa....:)
okie,, i on9 diz ofis,,nak balek n buy something for my mum..for her bday celebration 2dy,,yeahhh..i love my mum..malam karang,,aku smbung cerita macam2 tntang diri aku yg taramai org tawu sebenarnya,,
u think u noe me...naaaaa~!

syuha ngek